Beyond Ordinary ETFs

Research & Reports

The Next Big Theme: August 2024

This month, we discuss disruptive trends in Robotics, Data Centers, Healthcare Innovation, Lithium, U.S. Infrastructure, and Clean Energy. By Ido Caspi

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Uranium Update: When Public Policy and Private-Sector Demands Align

With energy demand poised to accelerate, the public and private sectors are increasingly looking toward nuclear as a reliable power source. By Chandler Nichols

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Small Caps Are Positioned to Benefit From Falling Rates

Investors anticipating Fed interest rate cuts may want to consider small-cap equities, which typically benefit from lower rates and looser financial conditions. By Jason Anderlik

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Global X Japan Co. Ltd.
Registration No. : Director of Kanto Local Finance Bureau (Financial Instruments Firms) No.3174
Member of Japan Investment Advisers Association
Member of The Investment Trusts Association, Japan